Deeper Communion: Part 1- Understanding His Government

Deeper Communion Part 1: Understanding His Government

The Lord placed within me a burning ache to see His children walk in great intimacy and deep communion. When I pray, at some point during the course of our time together, Dad often asks me if I am willing to feel a little bit of what is on His heart.

These days, He talks to me a lot about the longing He has to have deeper communion with His children. There are many out there that are hungry for greater fellowship. The hearts of many are asking the questions, “Is there more to this life than born-again religion? Is there a life beyond despair and brokenness? Is there more to the walk than just dying to the old man? Is there more than just rejecting the ‘religious system’?”

Though few might dare to be honest enough with ourselves, there are many that are silently asking if God is really telling the truth when His Word states:

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 1 Cor 13:13

Where is our joy? Where is our rest? Above all… where is His love?

“But, David, we live in such dark times.” I am often told.

Really? More than the children of God who were tortured to death? The very ones that wrote some of these passages. (Well… not Jeremiah. He was merely called a false prophet, thrown into an underground prison, left to starve and die of thirst and had his land confiscated…)

When we are not walking in agreement with what the Word of God states, we are living an area of our life opposed to God’s kingdom.  When we do this, we live outside the joy, rest and love that is meant to be flowing in, through, and around us without ceasing. Intimacy is where we apprehend His fullness. Our Dad is calling us to begin entering deeper into His kingdom life.  This starts with understanding about how His kingdom is governed.

“Government” may be defined as:  the direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities

First, we must understand that our Lord’s government is expressed and carried out through His nature.

Said another way, all direction and control that is exercised on behalf of His Creation is grounded in Love. This is His nature, and from His nature all His government is laid upon.  

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isa 9:6

Due to some of the ditches in the Hebraic roots movement, such as “keeping Torah,” we have thrown out altogether the idea of “law.” This is simply not biblical. The law that was fulfilled is the “Letter of the Law.” Torah. The Letter of the Law, was given to point us to the eternal government of God. God’s kingdom is not a kingdom of anarchy. His kingdom government is ruled with spiritual laws. Those spiritual laws are all summed up in the Law of Love. There is still a Law, guys… it is the Law of Love, and it is the very cornerstone of the kingdom of our Lord.

Want greater intimacy? Begin to embrace His Law of Love. Our citizenship is in Heaven. Heaven is governed by love.

Walking in the Law of Love begins by walking in agreement with what our Heavenly-Dad says about Himself, and how He sees His child. That child is you.

God’s government is meant to be conveyed on Earth through the Church.  It is meant to be expressed and carried out through every single facet of thought, belief, action and decision that transpires.

We are to do what we see our Father doing in Heaven, just as Jesus did.  

Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.” John 5:19

“This, then, is how you should pray: “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10

The Earth ministry of Jesus Christ was to help teach His estranged children how to get back to the Father’s heart.

You see, what the Church needs to realize is that  it was the Cross that gave us access to our Heavenly-Dad’s throne. But… it was Jesus’ teachings and His Earth-walk that was aimed at changing our thinking. This is what gives us access to His heart.

The Holy Spirit living inside us allows us access to the realms of His kingdom. But it is our thinking… our soul… that must be renewed to the point where we believe what He believes if we are going to further our intimacy.

There is no intimacy where we are law-breakers. Violation of the law of Love is to live outside the nature and fellowship of His kingdom in whatever area of our life/heart/thinking we have refused to give Him.

This is not about works and self-righteousness. And to be clear… this is not about doing whatever we want…

It is actually just the opposite. It is about choosing to agree with what His Word says about Himself, about you, and about the lost.  For example:

It is easy enough for us to see how mercy is an expression of love. But are we willing to accept that His judgement and discipline is also a facet of this same love?

“Because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as His son.” Heb 12:6

There is a reason we have trouble accepting this, family. It is because there are areas of our belief system that are opposed to His kingdom thinking.

Now for some reading this, the thoughts are, “That’s right, David. Go on now! Preach it, brother! God judges!! Get ’em a body bag. Yeah!!”


What is the belief motivating that line of thinking? For many… it is not love at all. It is about anger, and hurt and pain… and paypack for those who failed to live up to a self-constructed expectation and self-righteous standard we feel qualifies us to earn His love. That is because this is how others we loved and trusted related to us when our own beliefs were being formed and solidified.

Sorry guys… that’s an oucher, I know ( I have been there) but, that kind of thinking is also is in violation to His heart and His kingdom.

All things that transpire in the kingdom are designed for one purpose; reconciliation back to the heart of the Father. Reconciliation glorifies His Name. It says He is worthy of our everything… and He is.

We will finish this up with examples & exercises to help us recognize where we are not walking in agreement to His Kingdom…so that we make the adjustments that will significantly deepen both our communion and awareness of His Kingdom

(link below):

Wrapping It All Up: Applications & Excercises


3 thoughts on “Deeper Communion: Part 1- Understanding His Government

  1. “It is about anger, and hurt and pain… and paypack for those who failed to live up to a self-constructed expectation…That is because this is how others we loved and trusted related to us when our own beliefs were being formed and solidified.”

    That is an immensely profound statement, David. This flawed and broken world of ours further drives home the disappointment.

    We learn that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely; that the end does not justify the means. Those are vital truths as applied to our world. Yet God is outside them, greater than they are. For His perfection cannot be corrupted; and the means He employs are always perfect — even if they are painful, in the moment.

    God does not, of course, inflict evil upon us. He is fully capable, however, of using evil for good. Ultimately, it is the transformative power of God’s love that accomplishes His ends.

    Thank you, once again, for sharing your insights.

    Your sister in Christ,



I welcome all thoughts and feedback :)