Understanding The Times: Part 10- The Full Picture Of Mercy

My beloved Body of Christ,

I am going to share some things the Father spoke to me about these last couple of months before these storms manifested in the physical realm. My desire is to help point us all to His heart and in that, greater intimacy with Him.

There is not much teaching on the different ways  His hand of loving mercy is expressed. Fear, erroneous teachings, and others who were meant to nurture and mature us into Christ, but instead wounded us deeply, incline our heart to embrace extremes. Wisdom cries out in this hour… we need to have the courage to walk in His heart and not the excessive ditches of immaturity.

Come, let us reason together. Let us join in the counsel of the Lord and walk in more of His mind and heart.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10

Satan destroys. God gives life. The cross has satisfied the wrath of God. Period. (Rom 5:9)

Jesus took it all. What remains is the sharing of the good news.  A pure and holy Church is meant to display His love, power, and goodness when the “lost” run farther and farther away from the Father. We, members of the Body, are the Good News manifested to the lost.

We have been made ambassadors of His nature and His Name. When we begin to drift from that, we stop walking in our authority. When this occurs, worldliness fills the void. First in the heart of the Church. When the fire and purity of a living and thriving relationship with our Lord grows a bit dull and backslidden, the spiritual atmosphere of heaven stops reaching as far as it once did. The Church forfeits the impact and authority she was commissioned to carry forth.

Wickedness begins to manifest in the land. The Lost begin to have the greater say on what “truths” govern a land. Laws are overturned. Ungodly ones replace them. The earth begins to groan.

When a nation begins to drift from His nature, Divine protection will continue to remain upon that people and land… for a season.

Then it begins to lift.  Little by little. This is one form of mercy. This is not wrath. I implore all of us to realize the greatest mercy our Father offers is to escape hell.

Everything we meditate on must be seen from His ETERNAL desire.

“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” Heb 12:11

The vain fury of Satan and the groanings of the earth are permitted in order to wake us up to seek His heart and come into alignment with His desire. Those desires are:

#1. The Great Commission

#2. Great intimacy

All events must be viewed from this kingdom reality.

We who are parents have no problem whatsoever in applying this biblical principle with our own children. Why do we rage so hard against His mercy and love when it manifests in a season of allowing a land to reap what was sown?  

Are we not His children? Is this not the greatest mercy toward His lost who wait for the power of the gospel to come through His Church that has made a course adjustment in her heart?  Is this not love? Is the greatest mercy possible not to save us from the wages of sin? Do we allow, our own children, in the name of “mercy,” to never be corrected? Is this truly the heart of the Father? Guys, this thinking is in direct contradiction to what intense and mature love looks like.   

Let me stop here. GOD DOES NOT SEND DEATH.  Discipline comes in the form of a people being left without the full protection of His Divine hand.

“Because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.” Heb 12:6

Perfect love casts out all fear.  If the Word says discipline is love, and we are afraid to embrace it, we are resisting the embrace of His heart in areas of our thinking and walk.  

What wounds do we need to ask Him to heal in order for us to stop contending with His heart in this area?

Calamity (whether these recent/present hurricanes or any other form) represents an exposure in our flanks…. Why are our flanks exposed? Only the Church has true authority. The lost have NO authority. They only have the salt and the light of the Church. Where is that salt, my dear family?

Questions the Father is inviting us to come before Him with:


  • “What are You doing in this very hour?”
  • “What does that look like?”
  • “How is the Church meant to come into alignment with what You are doing?”

The lesser mercy of protection is pretty useless from an eternal reality if we, the Church, do not know how to partner with the Holy Spirit to extend the greater mercy, namely Salvation. If the Church is focused on mercy without that mercy pointing to the greatest mercy: the need for atonement offered through Jesus Christ, we are out of balance. We are still on milk. We are immature in our thinking. (Heb 5:12)

“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” Heb 12:11

There are more things to come. This is not wrath, and we should not be afraid. Nor is it the Hand of God falling upon us. It is just the opposite. He partners with holiness. He partners with humility and a contrite heart. He loves us… just the way we are. But… He wants all of us, and He wants His lost children to come to salvation.

A couple of years ago I was permitted to share about some things that will come to pass if we do not make some course adjustments (see link: Things To Come: 2015)


Some events that take place will be the natural consequences of a spiritual Church that truly, deep down, struggles with making Jesus her First Love.


Some events will be from the Accuser that must pass by His  *throne-room  with a nod. Those will be permitted in order to help drive us to His heart, without compromise.


Father is calling our hearts. God is love. “Prophetic” people and elders of the Body… He implores you, stop being afraid to share the deeper things that are on His heart. We cannot mature without the full counsel of God, and the lost will not be reached the way they are meant to be.

Was this really so hard to accept? If so, why?  Father longs for us to ask Him these questions.

Why is a defeated enemy able to destroy in a land of thriving Christians and a Church flourishing in power and authority?

Storms die as do the memories by those who did not suffer much.  There is a deeper dialogue Father wants us to enter into. We are not meant to dust ourselves off and get back to our broken and fearful lives. During this challenging time for many, I am praying protection over this land, and above all, His heart revealed to His Church during this season.

Let me be crystal clear. The wrath of God was satisfied on His Son, who died for us. In all of this calamity (which will fade very quickly, and be forgotten if we are not careful to understand the times), Father is calling to us from the Garden of His Heart.

“My Beloved. Do you know all the things  I long to share with you?”

In Love,



* (For those who engage in courtroom intercession, have you asked Him yet to show you the courts that govern over the people of a land? Have we even considered the courtrooms of the Lost? They are very real…

There are more to court-rooms than merely for claiming our own inheritance. What is permitted to preside over a land that we need to take to heaven? Are we willing to hear what He says about that matter?  If any of this speaks to your spirit, reach out to me via email or Facebook. There is much to talk about 🙂 )

“I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land …” Ezek 22:30