To The Weary…

Many years ago, I used to instruct women on personal safety.  Martial arts training and competition was  therefore, a regular part of my regimen. In a particular tournament, my skill sets offered me a choice to compete in a much higher weight class, which my ego readily accepted. Only minutes into the first go-round, I was regretting it. 

When the bell sounded, I was limping back to my corner, having concluded my first two rounds with a faster, more skilled opponent who outweighed me by 30 pounds.  My right foot was immobile; the instep having been strategically hammered by elbows (it would take 6 weeks before I could walk without a hobble due to soft tissues damage). Several of my ribs were bruised to the bone. My face was a mess and I was sucking air frantically.  I later found out my left wrist was broken.

Sometimes, thirty seconds is a lifetime. My instructor silently reached for my nose, and my mind began to wander to an old movie of two opposing american Indians engaged in mortal combat; a desperate attempt of one trying to overcome being badly outmatched.  I tried to calm myself, taking deep breaths. I didn’t mind the pain. I minded failing. I was offended at myself for falling short; of not hitting the mark. Looking past my corner, I saw the bewildered faces of some of my fellow classmates. Warriors every one of them. They gaped in awe that the pride of their studio was being beaten, let alone so badly picked apart. Combat in its truest form is a chess match and I was out of my league. I was tired. I was weary. Having engaged in competitive sports all my life, I was very familiar with being an underdog, but of this… I was unaccustomed.  The sweat hid my tears of shame and helplessness. I wanted to defend others in life. Protect those who have no advocate… I could not even help myself.  All a waste. Outweighed, out-skilled and out-thought. I looked away from my colleagues. The self-deprecation continued. Searching for one of my brothers, I found him, two mats over, dissecting his opponent with the skill of a surgeon. As I watched, they stopped his fight. “Of course.” I thought. That’s my little brother. 

Eyes burning, I remember exhaling a sigh of resignation. I was alone. 

“None of you truly see me.”

My teacher was holding ice over my eye, saying nothing. He was one of the most gifted fighters I would ever know, an Olympic candidate.  He was quick to laugh and his eyes could just as easily turn into lightning when needed. He was an excellent read of people’s hearts, and understood that every soul was a one-off mold. What is more is he also knew that I recognized this about him. Between two warriors, this was a deep bond that very closely knit us together. A trust beyond words was mutually shared. He was a good man.  Above all, he was my friend. 

“David…?” I looked up at him, expecting that storm so often seen when he was talking with other students. I wasn’t familiar with that and so braced myself.  I was the confident, poised and skilled fighter in our class; the one he would call to the mat to face two-on-one when visitors stopped by the studio. Not today. Today there was only the bruised combatant, searching for some lesson to be learned to justify what, at the moment, all seemed to be a humiliating waste of time.


Our eyes locked. There was no storm. Only a man that had heard my internal monologue. His gaze was soft and comprehending. He believed in me. He understood me. The sounds around me faded to black and all was quiet. I saw only unconditional pride and acceptance of me. No disappointment. No condemnation.  I looked into the eyes of one who saw me. I was not alone. Suddenly, my heart was steadfast.

He removed the ice from my face, and placed his fingertips on my chest, then his palm. Just as that bell sounded for the final round, he whispered straight into my heart.

“David.  Get your head in the game.”            


Many, many seasons have passed since Father used both that event and that person to deposit eternal grit and worth into my being. To this day, and in fact this very hour, I hear Jesus whispering behind me, strengthening me once again, directing my path. He gives clarity and focus. 

“If you have run with footmen and they have tired you out, Then how can you compete with horses? If you fall down in a land of peace, How will you do in the thicket of the Jordan? Jer 12:5

So I say to you, my fellow classmates and the undefeated in Christ;  Father sees you. Father understands. Now, more than ever, though, the voice of compromise is speaking. 

“Put down your tomahawk and knife. Sit by these waters. Aren’t the views in Babylon so beautiful by these shores? You have done so much already. Maybe it is time to ease up. See, your friends are here. Come, let us reason together.  Let us… compromise.”

Cast off your weariness. Compromise is the carnal antidote to the heart who longs to see the Hand of God move, but for a season seems inexplicably deferred. Show me a discouraged prophet and I’ll show you a man who has considered taking up the bottle. 

“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” 2 Cor 4:8-9

This season is offering the Church an opportunity through some tough trials to develop a steadfastness and grit that will see us live the scriptural truth that we are more than conquerors as a reality and not merely a parroted confession.

Some of us are in circumstances beyond our doing, and for others its the cumulative result of stubborn pride. Usually it’s a combination that has found its way to Father’s heart and sets things in motion to push us forward and set us free. In the end, it doesn’t matter. What matters is what we will decide in our hearts moving forward. Will we place Jesus first above all things? Will we compromise our walk, our family, our relationships, our spouses? What about our loved ones that do not know Jesus? What about our children? Dare I even mention the strangers that Jesus calls our “neighbor”? What is the enemy offering us as the substitution? Is it worth it?

The reality is you are never alone. He is always with you, even when fellowship, family and friends cannot truly see you. You can do this in Christ. Let Him guide your steps without compromise. Give Him permission to deal with “that” issue. Let the plans of our own heart finally and fully align with His as He is doing a new thing in this generation. Now more than any other time in our life let us align… and forever stay the course.  There is no condemnation in His steadfast love for you. No disappointment. No shame of falling short.  Just love, and a longing for greater intimacy.

I feel my ribs.  I hear the roar of the crowd. To this day I rub my left wrist when I recall those events and what I have learned.  All the lies and opposition once again fade to black. I remember who I am.  I am reminded that I am His redeemed and He has placed everything under my feet.  I see my Savior who uses all things… ALL THINGS… to set me free and invite me to know Him in a greater, more powerful way. None shall stand against me all the days of my life, and it is only my mindset and the condition of my heart that holds me back. 

Now is not the time to put down our tomahawk and clasp hands with weariness.  It is not the time to look at what everyone else is doing.  It is the season to stare down the opponents of Father’s kingdom that have been allowed to  live inside our own soul.

And so, beloved family, with all His passion, and as a brother who is also and always on this journey with you, I say to us all in this season…

Get your head in the game.

“A man’s heart plans his way: but the Lord directs his steps.” Prov 16:9


Understanding The Times: Obedience & Willingness

New Epoch Part 2 : Obedience & Willingness

My family- it is so important we, the Church recognize we have moved into a new spiritual Epoch. What seems unprecedented around us outwardly, the carnal things we see with our physical senses, is paled by the unprecedented times we have entered spiritually.  Father has closed doors and paths that have been permitted to operate since the Reformation 500 years ago. That season is over.

I will emphatically repeat myself. That season is over. Forever. We have entered into the season of new wine. 

This new epoch is a call for the Church to begin getting into alignment with a new way of being the Living manifestation of Jesus on the earth. Dogma, born-again religion and self-validation have no place to operate in the kingdom anymore.

Father is searching out the heart of His children to see who will allow Him to transform ones’ heart to steward this new wine. This new season will require commitment, passion and above all, that Jesus becomes our First-Love in all areas of our heart. Let’s pause for a moment to re-lay and recap on some basics.

“But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort.” 1 Cor 14:3

Please remember that prophecy means simply Father’s heart, desire and intention revealed to His creation.

I can think of nothing more edifying, encouraging or comforting to know and understand what is on Father’s heart so that I can flow with it in His unconditional love and communion. I want deeper intimacy with my Creator.  If you are reading this blog, I know you do as well. 

Where is the Church?

A great dismantling is under way.  Mantles, callings, influence and kingdom resources are being re-allocated to those willing to answer the call. This has nothing to do with how much we are loved by our Father, Lord and Counselor. This is about relational covenant and partnering with our Commander-in-Chief.  Father-God always loves us unconditionally (link), even if we choose to not partner with Him very much. 

The fellowships and ministries that have had a place of influence within communities across this nation and across this entire generation are being called to account. This is love for the lost. This is love for the nations. This is love for His children He longs to set free from hurt, pain and fear.

We are in this season of things being called to account. Ledgers are now open in Heaven. Above all else, we need to remember God is Love. Make no mistake: this season is, as are all Father’s seasons in their varied forms, a demonstration of Love.

  • It was Love that forced us to be shut in with our family.
  • It was Love that has allowed us the opportunity to deepen family relationships in Christ.

(At the top of this list are our children of this generation that were fast approaching being consumed by the world under the Church’s nose). 

The degree we will smoothly navigate and flow with this season will be directly tied to our obedience and willingness to Father’s plans. 

The Crux: Obedience & Willingness

Cooperating with this season means us understanding 2 kingdom principles. Obedience and Willingness. Let’s begin with the “easy” part. Obedience.  Obedience is based solely on action. Though the Greek word is a noun, it in fact is irrevocably tied to action. In short, what we chose to do. God speaks, we move on that spoken Word. This is obedience.

Willingness is a whole different matter. Willingness deals with the heart; the position of the soul, where the seat of intention lies. Our hearts must be soft, pliable, submissive and above all, motivated from a place of love.

Obedience addresses outward action and outer compliance.

Willingness deals with inner action and inner compliance.

While obedience deals with the physical realm, willingness deals with the condition of our soul toward God, man and ourselves. Obedience is necessary in order to begin fulfilling our side of any kingdom covenant agreement. Willingness is the vital component to actually bring the promises to completion. An amazing example of this distinction can be found in the story of Balaam in Numbers 22. This portion of scripture has often been mis-taught and caused so much confusion because we have not applied the principles of obedience verse willingness. It applies directly to the Church in his hour.

We must never lose sight of the truth that Father is interested in intimacy. Intimacy is tied directly to our desire, and intention.

How This applies to this Season in the Body of Christ

There are great portions of the body of Christ that are content to show outward signs of obedience to what Father wants to do in us and through us, but many are still stubbornly unwilling to change the attitude of our hearts.

We are choosing to hold onto our own desires and our own intentions. Many within the Church are still trying to accomplish things through our own strength and gifts and determination. Many are not willing to submit to God’s calling in this season.

What will this look like?

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” Rev 3:20

To the degree we have allowed Jesus to deal with some challenging realities within us (do we need to forgive? Have we repented from finding self-worth from money, titles, prestige, or the lack of any of these things?) is the degree in which we will flow with this season.

Grace in the form of “time” will now begin to become grace in the form of a “crucible.” As hidden things continue to come to light, Jesus will continue to allow circumstances to press upon us to grind away that which is not of Him.

This is Love, not anger!! I cannot stress this enough. 🙂

“The words “once more” indicate the removal of what can be shaken–that is, created things–so that what cannot be shaken may remain.” Heb 12:27

Jesus is shaking away from her bride all this is not of His eternal nature. The United States needs to once again be a Light to the lost in this nation. The United States needs the Body of Christ to once again live, and be willing to die, NOT as Americans who happen to be born-again, but rather Citizens of Heaven, who happen to live in America.

Do we need to ask the Holy Spirit to deal with the areas of our thinking, our reasoning, and the motives of why we do the things we do? How much do we think about the neighbors in our community? How often do we feel the pain of a stranger at the supermarket?

“You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” 1 Cor 6:20

If every aspect of our being has been purchased by the Blood of Jesus, why do we still think it is OK to live under forms of Law? Do we truly think 10% belongs to God, and we get to keep 90% for our own desires and motives?

Shall we continue to pick and choose which aspects of the Mosaic and New Covenant we will live under?

Things To Come

The fear of Covid-19 is soon being replaced with the bit and bridle of things outside our control. While Father gave us a time to heal in the secret places of our home, He is now going to allow us the time to heal under the Hand of some tumultuous circumstances.

Great News!!!

This season is designed to set us free and increase the depth of our intimacy with our Wonderful Father!!!

We can give Jesus permission to look at what truly makes us tick, and where we have allowed our personal religion, worldly comfort, or ambitions to callous our heart to the heart of our Father.

There is time. Remember please, the things we will see in the physical world (school, health, weather, and social disruptions) are only shadows of what is truly taking place in the heavenlies.

Father is aligning His Church. This fall will begin a new time to examine our relationship with Jesus and allow His love to wash away whatever is not of His kingdom, either in action or motive. There is so much healing and joy and expressions of His love for us that He is longing to lavish upon His child. He wishes to pour this out upon each and every one of us. We do not need to be afraid of change or of the present circumstances pressing upon us. Father is faithful, and He is using it to set us free. Please, let us not squander this season.

Let us unconditionally love and encourage each other to grab everything we are meant to lay hold of in this hour. We will not regret it.

More to come, my Family…

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