Understanding The Times : Recap & Some Blueprints for This Epoch

“Remember the days of old, Consider the years of all generations. Ask your father, and he will inform you, Your elders, and they will tell you.” Deuteronomy 32:7

Hello, Family 🙂

I am going to preface this by saying there’s a lot of meat in here. A lot to take in. But, the season is upon us where many Christians across this nation are beginning to look around and ask questions. This blog is a response to this fledgling awakening. 

Many of you have been asking where I have been.  It has been a time for me to go into the caves with the Lord and dig deeper. All this while I have been in travail for the Church, the lost, and this nation. Thank you all who were led to pray for me and my family during this past year. It was an intense time of pain and breaking, that had brought great healing and a release of greater intimacy with Father-God. I am eternally grateful for all your prayers. 

It is a time to reflect, learn, discern and make some course corrections. So, without further delay, let’s dive right into this!

2 Years Past

Father-God has entered us into an interesting season these past 2 years. Most recently, the Church has experienced a drought of true prophetic insights. The nationally recognized voices within the church have just about concluded backtracking about their prophetic declarations that Trump would be re-elected. This has left much of the body of Christ, humbled, confused and floundering. What happened? What went wrong? What is next?

Some believe there is no point looking back. The reason many teach this is because we have not been taught to learn from our mistakes without those mistakes becoming a part of our identity. But, Jesus constantly referred to the history of man in regard to His eternal plan while on the earth. Until the Church learns from our mis-steps we will continue to repeat them and also pass along those same errors in theology, thinking, and action to our physical and spiritual children. That will never do. 🙂

What Happened? Let’s recap, then.

A Call To Reformation

During the past 2 years Father was entering His children into a new era where our thinking and belief systems would usher us into a level of true spiritual fellowship that we have not seen since the first century Church. We are being called to destroy all the man-made religion in our gatherings that attached itself to the Great Reformation. It was a call to deep introspection and reflection with Holy Spirit and, where needed, to change. We were meant to heal. I shared some of these spiritual movements in a blog called The New Wineskins: Part 1 – Paradigm Shift (Link) Sept 2019

By and large, we dragged our feet during this period of grace. During this time, there were some within the Body that began addressing the pride and fear that was corrupting the prophetic office in this generation (I offered a plea to repent of this in the blog Understanding The Times: A Call To The Australian Prophets 2019 (Link) ). On the whole, we did not repent of these fears, people-pleasing, and self-promotion. This choice led to some grievous loss for many of us less than 2 years later. 

A Second Call From The Throne Room

Just prior to Covid sweeping over the nation (and world) a call went forth to once again seek Jesus’ blueprint and align with Father’s heart. Much of the public platform within the Church was talking about revival and wealth. Jesus fervently wanted to correct our timing and motives in order to prepare for things to come. We needed to be prepared to move in step with Him or we would miss His timing and Eternal plans for this season. There was still time to realign and heal within our own hearts and with each other. During this time, I shared some of the insights I was getting in prayer-time. That blog was The New Wineskins: Part 2 –  Fleshing Out This New Season (Link) January, 2020

What went wrong?

For starters, many of us refused to step outside our comfort zones or risk personal loss for the sake of speaking out in love to either our brethren or the lost looking for Truth. In response, Father continued moving forward on our behalf despite our own agendas.

A Time of Incredible Mercy and Grace

Only a few months later, Covid shut everything down. The stage was now set. By and large, we would not change our thinking in regard to fellowship… so Father shut it down as many of us understood it. He made it very hard to continue in our own agendas. We would not press in to seek healing from our own hurts, angers and fears… so Father turned up the heat and shut us in to make it that much easier for us. It was a Divine mandate to enter into spiritual Sabbath rest. This season of Kingdom grace was unprecedented. Unprecedented… I shared on this season in a post titled Understanding The Times: Bits & Bridles & Covid-19 (Link) April, 2020

During this time another call was also being sent throughout the body of Christ from Heaven. This message was not permitted in many venues to be openly shared. The Church needed to  recognize the new Epoch we entered into. I shared a little on this: Understanding The Times: Obedience & Willingness (Link) September, 2020

Yet even with all this grace, so many of us refused to look at things Jesus was knocking on the door of our heart about. The Church was meant to come out of this shut-in with tremendous kingdom authority and power. During this time, however, much of the church looked pretty similar to the lost who were trying to blindly grope through this time. We would have seen great revival taking place all across this land and elections would have looked very differently. Some spiritual realities were shared openly in the post titled The New Wineskins: Part 3 – Elections and 2021 (Link) November, 2020

As mentioned above, many people, truly gifted prophetically (remember- “prophecy” simply means Father sharing His heart with His children) remained unwilling to risk their social media following and ministry income to speak the full counsel of the Lord. The result: we would not share what the Body of Christ already knew in our spirits but refused to acknowledge. Namely, that the grace and favor many of us had would diminish if we did not begin actively acknowledging our own sins and repenting and praying for this nation. 

There are a lot of interesting things heading our way under the current presidential cabinet. But this is not the true reality. The true reality is that we have allowed demonic principalities to hold seats of power, exercised over and through many people in many different leadership positions. 

So… what’s next?

Great things. Lots of wonderful stuff designed to set us free and bring that revival we thought we could just call down as if we were under the Old Covenant. The best is truly yet to come. Father loves us unconditionally and any shame we feel comes from Satan’s lies. We just need to align our hearts and sense of identity. 

For those who have been in step during this season…it gets even better for you as well 🙂

In the posts to come (Lord willing) I will share about the Kingdom recall of the unwelcomed John Baptists and Elijahs’as well as those coming who will move in the spirit of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and will greatly humble the Church.

Until then, pray for me, my wife and our family. Pray we move in more and more wisdom and favor as we navigate both these Times and the challenges of being a light in NY. Pray for greater and greater signs following to confirm His Word and rescue His lost sheep. 

Parting Thoughts

“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.” Col 2:8

There are brothers and sisters that want to speak up. They are looking for some solid spiritual understanding unpolluted by anger and personal agenda and man-made tradition. Share this with those the Holy Spirit brings to your mind. We desperately need to repent of the fear of man and finding acceptance from religious expectations. 

All my love, family.



8 thoughts on “Understanding The Times : Recap & Some Blueprints for This Epoch

  1. Brother,

    It’s so good to hear from you again.

    James 1:27 KJVS
    [27] Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

    For me, the last two years have been deeper intimacy with God, and as Father leads, serving family, the homeless and teaching children about Jesus.

    Our commission hasn’t changed. I have thought a lot about what it cost the prophets and apostles to follow Christ. Just writing it down brings tears to my eyes.

    I thirst for God’s wisdom and discernment to navigate through this season. I can do nothing of eternal value without my Lord.

    In Christ…


    • Elizabeth,

      Sister, you are a great blessing to me. Thank you in so many ways… What an honor to know a sister who is walking out the heart of Father in this generation.

      As I type this I hear Father saying to encourage you int the Truth that you are well grounded… even in the midst of what you are working thru. You grabbed hold of True Identity in the Cross!

      It is good to feel back “in the saddle” again 🙂

      More to come… wonderful things.


I welcome all thoughts and feedback :)