Topical Scriptures: The Great Commission

His Church is Called To Rescue His Lost Children by the Power of His Spirit working in and through His redeemed son & daughter.

Here are some verses that I have found minister to me. They remind me of the fact the Holy Spirit was given to me and that His presence is always with me.  They also remind me I have been given the honor of using Jesus’ authority on all matters of the kingdom. One of those things is to rescue His lost children.. those still bound by Satan.

“Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” John 20:21

What is His heart?

We must never forget what this is all about.  He died to redeem all His creation… not just some of you.   

Remember John 3:16? How about these verses?:

“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” 2 Pet 3:9

Those wretched, , filthy minded, obstinate, self-centered, sinful people… aka “the world”… that is who He died for. That is who we ALL were in His eyes. The gift of His righteousness was given AFTER we accepted Him as Savior… after, not before.

Let me stop here to also clear up a false doctrine floating around. A strong delusion:

The Great Commission was never.. and never will be… released from being our responsibility!!

“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matt 28:16-20

Nowhere in God’s Word does it say we, at some point, whether we are in the Church AGE (which we are) or in the Tribulation.. that we are released from the Great Commission.  NOWHERE….

And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” Mark 16:15

“And said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.” Luke 24:46

“Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Matt 9:37-38

“And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” Romans 10:15

“Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest. Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together.” John 4:35

****Just in case we have forgotten how we are to treat our backsliddenbrothers/sisters, see James 5:19 ****

“My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.” James 5:19

Now let’s read about how our walk should manifest to the lost: and to clarify.. matters of the kingdom involves destroying all the works of the devil.  Remember, it is the goodness of His kingdom revealed to the lost, that brings them to repentance.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”Acts 1:8

“Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give. ” Matt 10:8

“He that believes on me, as the scripture has said, out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water.” John 7:38

“And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit,”Eph 5:18

Greek word “filled” means to be complete, amply supplied, to be made full  (greek Playro-o , #4137)

This is power. This spirit life flowing out of us. If our lives don’t reflect what the word says we need to ask Him (and ourselves) some questions…

Please, let us never forget that no matter how dark things get, we are to shine all the more brightly. We are to always, always… go get His lost sheep.

The power to do this is inside you already. Father has revealed His heart’s desire to His church already. It’s already been written and revealed to us. All you need to do is act on it.



4 thoughts on “Topical Scriptures: The Great Commission

  1. Good Morning David,
    Last evening was the first time I ever heard you speak, it was with Benjamin & Dorthy rather recently, I was mightily blessed. Surely the days are evil!!
    It’s another difficult morning, but God is faithful and He will deliver those who call upon His name.

    This is my first time at your website, I read those Scriptures posted and yes, we are to proclaim the Gospel to the whole world, no arguments at all. However, I do question two points, NOT be be a rouge believer, but instead because the devil is a liar who deceives the whole world!

    Point 1. The Christian walk is filled with heartache and sorrow, mostly from believers themselves who rip and tear apart hearts to prove themselves … whatever, there are many reasons. . . I don’t know why we do the work of the devil and devours one another, but certainly we do. I have been very guilty of such behavior in the past and am trying to no longer be deceived by Satan. Yet, Scripture seems to have just as many, if not more verses warning the believer to get away from wickedness, evil, unbelief, and such. Both Paul and Peter warned against the sappy love songs that will deceive our hearts and send us to hell IF we don’t sever ourselves from the world.
    II Timothy 3 is filled with the evil of the devil in the Christian church, but that chapter does not stand alone. I Peter 3:10b The face of the Lord is against them that do evil; and God hates the wicked everyday; Psalm 37; and on and on.

    Yes, I do proclaim the Good News to all. Mostly it is ‘Repent, and believe the Gospel’. I do warn folks of the coming judgment of God and His mercy for those who will seek Him today. Not everyone has been called; like it or not, not everyone has been called. In fact, the majority of the people is the world will perish into everlasting destruction. I do believe this is a very important Truth for the Godly. The devil is always trying to deceive us chosen believers into feeling sorry for the God rejectors and haters, thereby distracting us from Truth & sucking us into the lies of the world. Jacob I loved and Esau I hated.

    I do hope you will ask God to show you what it is that He would have you understand; this is a very touchy subject on all accounts, but God is faithful to those who seek Him.

    Point 2. The devil is a liar and deceiver. In the Garden of Eden the serpent attacked the Word of God. Satan only brought one question to Eve, just one, “Hath God said??” The devil only had to get Eve to question God’s Word, then she herself, because of her great wisdom and understanding made God’s Word easier to understand. We all do this same thing all the time seldom even knowing the trap laid for our destruction. Ol’ clubfoot has deceived most of the self professing Christians in the English world that they (professing Christians) are wise enough and smart enough to discern Truth from lies. Yet, repeatedly God warns us NOT to be deceived. Hmmmm, I am not deceived into believing that the hollywood circus contenders, nor the politicians of the world, nor the drunks, thieves, and fornicators have any inheritance in the Kingdom.
    So where does the devil most often deceive the believers??? More teachers of the Gospel need to ask this question!!! How is the devil trying to deceive me today?? Have I believed a lie that sounds good, yet is contrary to Scripture??? Could I be deceived, even if I am not a woman??? The devil deceives the whole world, NO EXCEPTIONS! Only Jesus was not deceived! Both Peter & Paul were tricked into a lie, and they had holy spirit; Oh Lord help us.

    I said all this to say, Almighty God has given to the world a perfect Bible, The Authorized Version of 1611, aka the King James Bible. God authored this Book and only this Book. ALL other English bibles have a different author. God is one and He wrote one Book, not many. But the devil always deals in many, more choices like we need another choice in America today.
    IF you do NOT have a KJV you do NOT have God’s Word!!!
    IF you have another translation you also have another Jesus!!
    IF you don’t have a KJV you are greatly deceived already.
    IF you do NOT prove out for yourself the TRUTH, . . . well, there’s not too much else to say.

    David, please learn WHY the KJV and no other as the devil is a liar and he deceives the whole world.
    Knowing now that ALL of the other bibles are corrupt communications as warned about in Ephesians 4:29. Knowing both the author of these many bibles and the lies promoted in them, I find myself even rejecting those words on paper or off the lips of unsuspecting souls who refuse to search out a matter.

    The King James Bible is the Word of God the Sword of the Spirit, the KJV stands alone!!!
    NO it is not a matter of preference; the devil is a liar and deceives the whole world.

    I pray that you will search out this matter and no longer be deceived into believing a lie. In the KJV 2 Thess 2:10-11 we are again warned about believing a lie, not ‘the’ lie, but ‘a’ lie. Big difference!!!
    So which lie of the gazillions sends us to hell???? Certainly we’re warned about ‘a lie’ , yet the liar in his corrupted communications deceives many into believing to watch for ‘the lie’. Hmmmmm.

    Blessings to you my brother David. I pray you will seek God for His Truth in these matters. IF you would like, I can send you some links for searching out the matter of the KJV.

    Thank you for your work in the Kingdom, truly Jesus is coming soon!! Thank God!!


    ps, if you would, I could use some prayer for my broken heart. tnx.


  2. Hello Lin,

    Thank you so much for sharing. I am blessed.

    The subject of Calvinism vs. Arminianism is indeed one that holds much heat and debate.

    Some food for thought here as I share my heart a bit. i hope it blesses you:

    Though I personally do not interpret the word to read that God created certain people for hell, there are many that do.

    Either way though, we are told to be IN the world but not OF the world and that it is the sick that need a doctor and not the well. In the end though, whether we love as Jesus loved, or whether we witness only to fulfill a “duty” is between us and our Lord really. I don;t judge others and their convictions. When I speak to the Lord and He shows me those that are broken and beaten because of Satan’s lies I have never felt an indifference from His heart toward a fallen angel sticking his thumb in God;s eye, so to speak.

    That verse,”Jacob I loves and Esau I hated” is often quoted to us and has indeed caused us much confusion and heartache.

    It must be noted that the Hebrew word for “hated” is “loved less” and that that verse was a common expression for poetic language that was meant to draw comparison and contrast from one to another to express a main point.(the proverbs employ this style at times as well- as was common of the culture).

    here is the kicker… God blessed Esau tremendously. He would NOT even allow Moses to attack Edom( Esau’s children) because He told Moses He would protect and bless Esau.. that is not language of a God that hates a created being 🙂 this is comforting to say the least.

    Esau was not the one in which the Davidic line would come… he was not chosen, but again the bible is progressive revelation so we must understand the old covenant in light of the new. our self worth is not derived from our calling or function in the world or in the body of Christ. our worth comes from being the Righteousness of Christ.Just some thoughts on that.

    Consider that nowhere in the word does it say to not love the lost. Anyway actually.. we are to hate sin but snatch those from the fire (Jude) at all times, hating even their clothes (but not them). Just some thoughts of mine from the word.

    Second point you mentioned- yes there are MANY terrible translations!!

    I study from the Hebrew and Greek so the translations I use are the English ones that best convey the original words of the original verse for that particular passage. I am always going back to the Greek and Hebrew for the “actual” meaning.

    An example where some translations in English are confusing would be the scriptures translated:

    “But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matt 19:14 (KJV)

    The word suffer in old King James means “permit” but who knows that? I Cannot tell you how many times I have been asked from well meaning, sincere Christians “why would Jesus want children to suffer??”

    The Greek word translated “suffer” actually is “aphiémi” and means to “permit or allow”

    I find these weak translation in every bible, to varying degrees, so i always encourage people to go to the original text in the original language for the best clarity. Some bibles are not very good at all.

    So here are some of my thoughts.. and praise God if you have accepted Christ you ARE one of His redeemed and sealed. What a blessing we can commune and share and talk and pray for one another even if we all dont “see” everything the same. This is true unconditional love from the Father’s heart !

    I will pray for you in earnest… I will lift you up, sister. if you have some time. read around under the sections of the Mind of Christ and some of the homepage posts… I think they might minister some truth about how much your Dad in Heaven loves you.

    Again, I am honored you reached out and thank you so much for sharing. i SHALL be praying for you and will consider all you have shared.

    God bless you mightily.

    Humbly, and His love,



I welcome all thoughts and feedback :)